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Add or edit tax rates

We have pre-populated your account with your local tax rates. You can edit and add tax rates as required.

Written by Jack
Updated over 2 weeks ago

In the Admin area, you have the option to customise existing tax rates or add your own.ย 

Add new tax rates

To add new tax rates, complete the following steps:

1. Go to Admin > Tax Rates.

2. Click the New Tax Rate button.

3. On the Details tab, add the Rate Name.

4. Add a Reference; this field allows you to enter a reference or code if you want to map the tax rate to your accountancy package.

5. Enter the Rate (%).

6. On the Visibility tab, you can set which of your users, departments or user groups are able to access the tax rate on their expense form.ย 

7. Click Create.

Edit existing tax rates

To edit existing tax rates, complete the following steps:

1. Go to Admin > Tax Rates.

2. Click Edit next to the relevant tax rate.

3. On the Details tab, edit the Rate Name and Reference as required.

Please Note: The Rate (%) cannot be changed when editing tax rates. If you need to change the rate you will need to add a new tax rate.

4. On the Visibility tab, you can edit which of your users, departments or user groups are able to access the tax rate on their expense form.

5. Once the required changes have been made, click Update.

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