In the Awaiting Approval area of Finance, you have the ability to view expenses that are still with an approver, redirect approval if a listed approver is away and also send approval reminders.ย
When accessing the Finance area, you will be directed to the Overview page by default. To view expenses awaiting approval, follow these steps:
1. In the Overview section, click the Awaiting Approval shortcut tab; or navigate to the Awaiting Approval section under the Pending Expenses heading at the bottom of the Finance area.
2. You can use the Filter option to define your search criteria. Using the Search field, you can search by user name, expense number or submission number (omitting the EI prefix).
3. You can click on the expense to expand the information.
You have some useful tools in this area:
Redirect expenses approval to another Approval Flow.
Send the listed approver a reminder email to approve the expenses.
Approve or reject expenses on behalf of the listed approver. Please Note: You can only do this if permission has been granted in the Advanced Settings section within Admin.
Export expenses to PDF or CSV by clicking the Export button and choosing a desired file format.