Complete a controlled test by posting 2 - 5 expenses from the Approved and Export History sections in the Finance area.
1. When you are ready to post approved expenses, navigate to the Approved section and click in the relevant section for the type of expenses you wish to post.
2. Select the expenses for posting by selecting them individually or by ticking the Select All check box.
Please note: System filters are available to help you find the expenses needed.
3. Click the Export dropdown button and choose either Export All or Export Selected.
4. Click on the Sage Intacct option in the export box.
Please note: If the expense(s) was(were) identified as billable, you will need to mark it(them) as Billed separately before posting from the Reconcilable or Reimbursable Approved sections. All expenses will be moved to the Completed section in the Finance area once the posting has been started. If any expenses are not moved, please check the billable section and complete manually.
5. Click the Export History link in the posting total message box to view the status process of the posting.
6. Click the Refresh option to get the most up-to-date posting status.
Please note: Transaction reference is the reference shown in your accounting package. For example, if posting as a purchase invoice, this will be the invoice reference. If posting as a bank payment, this will be the payment reference.
7. Once Complete is shown, all expenses are successfully posted to Sage Intacct.
Please note: If you find a Failed status is presented, below are the common reasons for this to happen:
Mapping to your categories is incomplete. Check that you have valid references for your categories and any categories/nominal codes entered in Sage Intacct also exist in ExpenseIn.
Tax rates may be incomplete. Check that the tax rates entered in ExpenseIn and their references match those in Sage Intacct.
User references and/or account number field for reimbursable or reconcilable expenses may be incorrect or missing. Check that your users have the correct reference as assigned in Sage Intacct. If your employees are company card users, ensure that there is an appropriate account number field to match up to the account in Sage Intacct.
If you have checked or updated all of the above, but a Failed posting status is still being returned, please contact our Support Team who will be happy to help with investigating why the failure happened.
8. Use the Bill EI number to locate the bill created in Sage Intacct and check the details are all correct.
9. Repeat the steps in this guide to test posting reimbursable and reconcilable expenses to Sage Intacct.
If you have any queries regarding posting expenses to Sage Intacct, please contact us via Live Chat or by emailing