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Approving invoices

How to approve an invoice awaiting approval from the Approval area.

Written by Jack
Updated over a week ago

You can approve invoices in the Invoicing module from the Approval area. Please follow the steps below to approve an invoice.

1. Click on Awaiting Approval in the Invoices section.

2. Click on the invoice line to expand it and see its full details.

As the screenshot below shows, any policy issues will be displayed against the invoice. You'll also be able to view the invoice History and any attachments.

3. Some more options available to you:

  • Edit - to make adjustments to the invoice before approving it. This is only available if the Edit option has been enabled within the approval flow.

  • Approve - to approve the invoice, moving it onto the next approver (if there is one) or to Finance for processing.

  • Reject - to reject the invoice back to the user who uploaded this or Finance with a rejection note.

  • Note - to add any further notes before processing.

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