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Edit approved purchase requests

How to edit your approved purchase requests in the Finance area.

Written by Jack
Updated over a week ago

Before accepting your approved purchase requests, you may need to edit or amend some of the purchase request details. You'll find your approved purchase requests by clicking on Approved in the Purchase Requests section in Finance.

Review your approved purchase requests by clicking on each line to expand this and see your purchase request details.

As shown in the image above, you'll be able to action several options for each of your approved purchase requests.

By clicking Assign Supplier, you'll be able to select an existing supplier for your purchase request or create a new one.

By clicking Edit, you'll be able to amend the details of the purchase request, including:

  • Changing the items listed on the purchase request

  • Adding more files

  • Amending the purchase details (e.g. Description, Department and Project)

  • Increasing or decreasing the Invoicing Frequency

Click Save to keep your changes.

By clicking Accept, your purchase request will move to the Accepted section of the Finance area. A supplier must be assigned to the purchase request before it can be accepted.

By clicking Reject, you'll be prompted to provide a reason for rejecting the purchase request - this reason will then be sent to the requesting user and the purchase request will sit in their Draft section.

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