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Testing single sign-on (SSO)

How to test SAML based single sign-on (SSO).

Written by Jack
Updated this week

Once you have setup an identity provider and linked it to one or more verified domain(s), you can test SSO to make sure your users can sign in.

1. If you are signed in to ExpenseIn, sign out.  Otherwise navigate to  You should see the standard email address and password sign-on screen.  Select Sign in with SSO.

2. Enter your email address, which should contain a domain you have previously configured for SSO, and click Sign In.

3. You should be redirected to the 3rd party identity provider which was linked to the domain of your email address during SSO setup.

If you are not signed into the identity provider you will be asked to sign in at this point.

After signing into the identity provider, you will be redirected back to ExpenseIn and should be signed in.

Note: If you were already signed into the identity provider before clicking Sign In on step 2, then you will not have to sign into the identity provider again, and redirection back to ExpenseIn will happen immediately. This may happen so quickly you cannot see it.


In the event of signing in via SSO not working, please double check the following:

  • Make sure you have configured a domain and associated it with an identity provider in the Single Sign-on area in Admin.

  • Make sure your domain has been verified, e.g. is not showing a Pending Verification label.

  • Make sure the identity provider is showing as In Use.  If not, this indicates that it has not been linked to a domain yet.

  • Make sure the email address you used to sign in with has the same domain as the domain you configured for SSO.

  • If you still have a problem testing SSO, then please contact ExpenseIn Support.

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