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Completed reports

Standard reports available for use from the Completed section in Finance with downloadable examples.

Written by Jack
Updated over a month ago

There are seven standard reports available for use from the Completed section within Finance. These reports will only include expenses that have been Marked as Paid / Reconciled / Billed and reside within the Completed section when you run the report.

Category Report
The Category Report will provide a cost breakdown (Total Excluding VAT, Total VAT and Total Including VAT) of your categories and category references.

When running the report, you'll be able to filter by date, date type, reportable and report type. You'll also be able to organise the report (e.g. by Category, or by Category + User).

You'll find an example Category Report available to download here.

Project Report
The Project Report will show a cost breakdown (Total Excluding VAT, Total VAT and Total Including VAT) of all project expenditures within a given date range. Any expenses not allocated to a project, will not be included. 

When running the report, you'll be able to filter by date and date type.

You'll find an example Project Report available to download here.

Cash Advance Report
The Cash Advance Report will show the current balance for your users' completed cash advance expenses. The report will detail the quantity of expenses per user alongside the currency and user reference.

You'll find an exmaple Cash Advance Report available to download here.

Cumulative Mileage Report
The Cumulative Mileage Report will show you all the personal car mileage a user has completed in that selected Tax Year. The report breaks down the mileage by user (including user references) and mileage rate. 

You'll find an example Cumulative Mileage Report available to download here.

Company Car Mileage Report
The Company Car Mileage Report shows all company car mileage within the set date range - you can also filter by the date type. The report breaks down the mileage by user (including user references), vehicle and fuel rate. The fuel rate is the rate the mileage was reimbursed or owed back to the company (in the case of a fuel card).

You'll find an example Company Car Mileage Report available to download here.

Journey Report
The Journey Report will list the individual journeys users have documented in their company car and personal car mileage expenses. The filter options available enable you to filter on the journey type (personal car or company car), date and date type, project and via search terms.

The Journey Report is particularly useful for analysing journeys for your users' company car mileage expenses via a CSV file. If you'd find a summary of your users' journeys helpful, you could export your Completed expenses by using the Search Expenses feature, filtering the Expense Type and exporting using your standard Mileage PDF Export Format.

You'll find an example Journey Report available to download here.

Custom Field Report
The Custom Field Report will provide you a cost breakdown (Total Excluding VAT, Total VAT and Total Including VAT) of each expense where the chosen custom field is present. The report data will vary depending on the type of Custom Field you have set up. 

Custom Field reports can be particularly useful for your Carbon Footprint/CO2 Reporting.

You'll find an example Custom Field Report available to download here - note that the custom field in the example report is applied to all purchase expenses.

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