You can edit any Department created in the Departments section in the Admin area. Follow the steps below to change Department settings if needed.
1. From Admin, click Departments.
2. Click Edit on the Department line of your choice. You can use the Filter option to search the Department Name or Reference.
3. On the Details tab, you can edit the Department Name and either edit or add a Department Reference if one is required.
4. On the Approval tab, you can select an alternate approval flow to override an approval flow assigned to a user, when the department is selected on an expense, or when a department is assigned to the user.
Note: You will need to create the approval flow in Admin Approval Flows, before it is available to select from the drop-down.
5. On the Visibility tab, you can select which users, departments, and user groups can see this department when completing their expense forms.
6. Once you are happy with the settings, click Update.
Note: Department data can also be edited in bulk if required. If you wish to do this, you can follow our Import Department data help article.