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Change mileage rate settings

Manage your mileage rates for personal car mileage.

Written by Jack
Updated over 2 weeks ago

In the Admin area, you have the option to add customised personal car mileage rates, or to apply additional settings to existing personal car mileage rates.

Edit existing mileage rates

1. From Admin, click Mileage and Fuel Rates.

2. If you want to edit existing mileage rates, click Edit next to the mileage rate.

Note: You cannot edit or change the rate for an existing personal car mileage rate, all the information except the mileage rate can be changed. You will need to delete any rates that are no longer required and create a New Mileage Rate.

3. On the Details tab, you can edit the following:

  • Rate Name - This is the name your users will see and select on their expense.

  • Reference (Optional) - You can add a reference or code here if you want to map this mileage rate to your accountancy package.

  • Min Annual Mileage (Optional) - You can set a minimum annual distance limit that applies to this rate.

  • Max Annual Mileage (Optional) - You can set a maximum annual distance limit that applies to this rate.

    Note: When setting a minimum and maximum limit please ensure your mileage rates are sequential and do not overlap.

  • Exclude from Cumulative Mileage - When enabled, any mileage assigned to this rate will be excluded from cumulative mileage reports and will not count towards any (mileage rate) distance limits. If left unticked, the system will check the distance limits based on all mileage assigned to the current and lower band rates, based on the ordering of the minimum distance field.

    Note: Enable this setting if you use passenger rates and would like to exclude any mileage assigned to the passenger rate from users' cumulative mileage.

  • Calculate VAT - Tick if you would like to claim back the VAT on your mileage claims against this rate.

    Note: In order to calculate the VAT on the mileage claims, you will also have to populate the vehicle details section with the appropriate VAT rates for your fuel rates.

4. On the Visibility tab, you can select which users, departments or user groups are able to access this mileage rate on their expense form. 

5. Click Update to save your changes.

Create new mileage rates

To add a new mileage rate:

1. From Admin, click Mileage and Fuel Rates.

2. Click the New Mileage Rate button.

3. Populate the Details and Visibility tabs with your required settings.

4. Click Create.

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