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Create a custom field

Add your own additional fields that can be populated when creating new users, expenses and projects.

Written by Jack
Updated over a week ago

Create custom fields to capture your additional data needs. You can create custom fields to capture data for specific sections in the Admin area or for your end-users to  populate when creating expenses.

Follow the steps in this help guide to create a custom field.  

  1. From Admin, click Custom Fields.

2. Click the New Custom Field dropdown. Here you can decide which area you would like your custom field to apply to.

3. On the Details tab, give the custom field a name.

4. Choose the Field Type from the dropdown. This dictates what type of data can be entered in that field.

5. If you would like this to be a compulsory field tick the Required box.

6. Navigate to the Visibility tab. This is where you can decide which of your users, departments or user groups are able to access this custom field on their expense form. 

Visibility settings only apply to expense based fields such as purchase, time and mileage. 

7. Navigate to the Categories tab. If you only want the custom field to be visible when defined Categories are selected, tick the relevant categories in the list.

8. Once you're happy, click Create to add that custom field to the account. The new field will now appear, or be displayed when the relevant Category is selected on an expense.

You can reorder created Custom Fields using the Reorder button.

Use the arrow icon to drag and drop to change the order of the custom fields.

Custom fields can be reported on and exported using a custom CSV export format in the finance area.

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