You can add different email addresses, change your preferences and passwords, reset your two-step authentication and more.
Navigate to the top right-hand side of your account and click on the Cog icon, then click My Profile.
You can update your information within this area:
My Details - You can change your name and email address.
My Bank Details - You can add your bank details if your finance team have requested that you do so.
Change password - You can change your password.
Two-step authentication - If you have a new device, you can reset it from here when you have Two-step authentication enabled.
Settings - On the Notifications tab, you can control which email or mobile app push notifications you would like to receive. In the expenses tab, you can decide on your expense preferences.
Region - Update your regional settings such as the date format used when creating and viewing expenses.
My devices - View and manage your mobile devices used to access the ExpenseIn mobile app.
Recent Logins -View the last 30 days of your login history across all applications.
Alternative Email Addresses - Add and delete alternate email addresses to your registered email address for using the email-to-receipts feature.
Linked Accounts - Change your default linked account.