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Email a receipt to ExpenseIn

If you have any receipts that have been sent to your email inbox, you can forward these to us to add to your account.

Written by Jack
Updated over 2 months ago

This functionality is very handy for any invoices or receipts that you receive via email - Great for those hotel and train bookings!

1. Simply forward emailed receipts to 

2. You can set the memo of your expense by adding this as the email subject.

When a memo is set, ExpenseIn will use AI to automatically select the expense category based on the categories visible to you.

Please Note: You are able to override the pre-populated category when filling in the expense form, if the wrong one was automatically selected.

3. Once your receipt has been added to your account, you will get an email notification.

4. ExpenseIn will scan your emailed receipts and they will reside in your Unattached receipts area on both the web-portal and mobile app.

How does the feature work?

  • ExpenseIn will look for PDF file attachments or, if there are no attachments, will automatically convert the body of the email into a PDF document.

  • The system will add the receipt(s) to your account by recognising your registered ExpenseIn email address.

Important Information: ExpenseIn's email-to-receipt feature is limited to 10 PDF attachments per email. Filenames must only include alphanumeric characters such as A-Z and 0-9. In addition, underscores and dashes are accepted. 

Adding alternative email addresses

You may want to register a number of additional email addresses to send your receipts from. This can be useful if you receive emailed receipts to your personal email address. 

To add alternative email addresses:

1. Navigate to the cog in the top right-hand side of your account.

2. Click My Profile.

3. Select Alternative Email Addresses from the list.

4. Click New Email Address and enter the email address. 

5. Click Create.

ExpenseIn will then send you an email asking you to verify your alternative email address. You will see a green 'Verified' label next to your email address once you have completed this.

Linked account user

If you are a linked account user, you will be able to specify the linked account you would like your receipt to be uploaded to. You can do so by adding your required linked account number in front of the email address, followed by a full stop. If no linked account number is present when emailing a receipt, the system will use the default account flagged in My Profile.

For example, a linked user of the linked accounts 100000 ABC Ltd and 100001 ABD Ltd can email receipts directly to the latter linked account by emailing these to

For more information on how to find your linked account number, click here.

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