To delete an Approval Flow, follow the steps below:
1. Navigate to the Pending Expenses area in the Finance section, and check Awaiting Approval for any expenses that still require approval by the Approval Flow you wish to delete.
The options available if expenses are outstanding are:
Use the Redirect Approval button for them to be Approved through another Approval Flow.
Approve as a Finance user.
Reject as a Finance user.
Take no action. Expenses will be automatically rejected and sent back to the user to be resubmitted, when the Approval Flow is deleted.
2. Navigate to the Users area in the Admin section, and check to see who is assigned the Approval Flow you wish to delete.
Click the blue Filter link at the top of the list of users.
In the Approval Flow drop down list, select the relevant Approval Flow and click on the Update button.
Tick the Select All box.
Click the Actions button and select Change Approval Flow.
In the Change Approval Flow box select the new Approval Flow from the drop-down options and click Update.
3. Still in the Admin area, navigate to Approval Flows.
4. Click the tick box in front of the Approval Flow to select the Approval Flow you wish to delete.
5. Once ready, click the Delete button which is now available.
6. The approval flow is now deleted.