If you're creating a personal car mileage expense and receive an error that states that you need to select a lower distance rate, then you have not yet exceeded the minimum amount of miles for the rate you have selected. The error will show as the one below.
For example, if you're currently using a rate of 45p and have claimed for 9,900 miles and your finance team has set a 10,000-mile limit for this mileage rate, you will need to ensure this rate has been exhausted before you start using the higher distance rate.
Splitting your mileage expenses between mileage rates
Using the above example, you first need to create one mileage expense for 100 miles, therefore exhausting the 10,000-mile limit. Once completed, you can create the second mileage expense at the higher distance rate (e.g. 25p per mile) for the remaining amount of miles.
You can keep track of the amount of miles claimed by checking your Cumulative Mileage Report. If you can not see the report, please speak to your Finance Team directly for further assistance.
For assistance locating your cumulative mileage report, follow our help article How to view your cumulative mileage.