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Data feed transactions

Learn how to view transactions delivered via a data feed.

Written by Jack
Updated over a week ago

To view transactions allocated to users from the Allstar, Visa or Mastercard data feeds, please follow the steps below.

Note: Transactions are received based on the settlement date, which means there can be a 2-3 working days delay between transactions occurring and appearing in ExpenseIn.

1. Navigate to the Finance area and select Card Transactions from the Imports and Exports section.

2. Click on the Data Feed tab.

If multiple transactions are received in one day for a user, they will be grouped. Clicking on the user's name will expand the grouped line and show each transaction for that user:

If you are searching for specific transactions, please use the filter options available.

If you cannot find the transactions you are looking for, please check the Unallocated tab.

You'll be able to export your data feed transactions using the Export dropdown.

Note: Should you wish to delete any of the delivered transactions, you'll be able to click on the expense line for the transaction you want to delete to expand this and select the Delete button.

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